Monday, December 22, 2008

A Side Note to my Forever Family and Friends

Take some time to ready 2 Samuel 22:31-37.

This is the transitional and transformational climax of King David's song of praise.  He is defeated, gathers his strength in God and prevails victorious. I feel like this is the aspect of life that we seldom turn but always require.   I love it. 

Holy snapper turtles, it has been a journey.  I know that it appears to many that I have partaken in a silent disappearing act from a certain stage in life. Humbly, I submit to that, but not without stating the following: 

We are all meant for purpose.  I have given my life to Christ.  By doing so, I am in His battle, his plan, his narrative.  It is the most fearful and wonderful thing I have encountered.  Many people say that his is "good for me."  I believe that is Good for everyone.  I know it.

That being said: you, my forever family friends, fill my prayers.  As God stands behind me strong, loving and perfect.  I desire to do so for you.  I am not strong all of the time nor am I by any means perfect, but my goal is to stand behind you with His love.  It many not always be seen, but please trust that it is genuine.  

I love you.


"We cover our deep ignorance with words, but we are ashamed to wonder, we are afraid to whisper 'mystery.'" ~A.W. Tozer

"The humblest sweeping maid sweeping to the Glory of God is therefore just as significant as the greatest preacher in the world." ~Martin Luther

Wednesday, November 5, 2008


It has been a while I know.  Rather than give you excuses, I feel like writing.  Know that it has been an awesome season of life.  Even my bad days are good days.

The Movies
I grew up enamored with Superheroes.  If Batman, Hulk or the newly acclaimed Iron Man is on the big screen, I am there.  Period.  It gives me a taste of my youth that I would otherwise ignore.  Paying $11.50* for my cinema-graphic piece of history is worth it.   *One must never forget the $8.50 for the oil drenched popcorn, B-rated Sour Patch Kids and sugar-loaded Cherry Pepsi! 

The Dude
In my travels of late, I have met an impressive man.  I am not going to name him.  Just know that he is a good dude.  This 'dude' has a physical ailment that keeps him committed to a walker.  Also, his movements are somewhat uncontrolled and his voice is slurred, but he IS a calm, sweet man.  Plus, he likes superhero's just as much as I do. I guess that makes him a nerd too.  

I have learned a solid lesson from my new friend:  He finds strength in community.  He attends seminary as an auditor with some of his boys from his home church.  Although, he isn't taken the class for credit, the dude comes prepared and ready with bold comments.  It is a pleasure to see him every week. 

The Dude's Walk
Everyday he deals with an ailment can alienate him.  But, he is not alone. The dude does not try to hide the pain that comes from being constricted to his condition.  By having an open heart, he allows his friends to enter into his life.  I feel like I know him more, and it is a privilege.  Also, he is able to know me more.   There is a freedom with being real with each other.  Man, it's heroic.  

Man, life gets heavy.   I need to cry out sometimes.  It lets me know that I am my community and by God.  Yeah, crying allows me to eventually laugh.  Praise God.       

A side note on 'Pain and Suffering'
I can't explain why my boy has this condition.  Temptation is lulling me into thinking about a 'purpose' behind this.  Although I am sure there are many, we Christians can tend to project God's intention with purpose of painful events.  Here, I would reiterate what my professor states:  "God's 'purpose' suggests planning and makes Him the primary agent of these catastrophic events.  We should not put it this way.  Rather, God salvages good from these occurrences. He never wanted this pain to be realized in the same way that we never wanted it. But God works with the brokenness to bring any beauty He can from it.  Let us draw towards Him in these times." ~ Dr. Glen Scorgie.  

God is not only the God of sufferers but the God who suffers (meaning he knows and experiences our pain).  On the original Good Friday, God the Father suffers when Jesus, His son, suffers on the Cross.  Momentarily, the Father lost his Son.  If you are a parent (which I am not), you know that pain that comes with the vicarious suffering of your child.  

If times are tough, find rest in God.  Take some time to check out the following Scripture:
James 1:2-4 - Experience real spiritual growth
Hebrews 12:1-2 - Remember the suffering of Jesus Christ & the invitation that comes with it.
Romans 8:37-39 - Embrace God's steadfast, unconquerable love.

It is a good day to know that we are alive.

Stay tuned.


Matthew 11:28-30 "Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest.  Take my yoke upon you and learn form me, for I am gentle and humble in heart, and you will find rest for your souls.  For my yoke is easy and my burden is light."

"Access into the presence of God is when you open to Him and He opens to you.  You rest in Him as the fulfillment of your deepest desires."  ~Puritan writer John Owen.

PS - The beautiful girl on the top of the page is my girlfriend, Courtney.  This Tinkerbell has my heart.  More to come on her....

Tuesday, July 1, 2008

having a grateful heart

I am on vacation back on east coast and just had two cookies for breakfast.  money.  That, ladies and gentlemen, is having a grateful heart.  

The skies on the here are incomparable.  Crayola could not fit these colors in their 256 pack. Additionally, I have had the luxury of witnessing 3 thunder-n-lighting storms -->  the harsh wind bouncing off the trees, the smell of a scorched lawn finally getting a drink and the dark night becoming lighter than day for a quick breath. All of this affirms God's beauty in creation.  I have a grateful heart.    

Lately, I have been struggling over regaining those few momentous times in my life:
  • A physique that would keep up with 18-year olds on the basketball court or battle against young lifeguard's in a wicked northeaster (that's an east coast storm).  
  • The company of friendships where sharing a beer, grilling an animal and doggin' each other would take us through the evening. 
  • And of course the familiar comfort and laughter of that previous relationship. 
Yeah.  Those times were good. But if I dwell on these things, I gain no peace with them. This dwelling seems takes me out of my present state.  More importantly,it can rob me of my presence with God.  How am I going to witness the colors of today's sky if I am thinking of yesterday's surf?  

Don't get me wrong?  We need to remember.  Those times were put there by God to learn, grow and really enjoy.  Realizing these as His gifts grants me the satisfaction of now witnessing an orange beam flush through a violet sky.

For those times and now, I have a grateful heart.  Praise God.       

I really didn't feel like writing anything else.  I wrote this one for me.  


James 1:17
Every good and perfect gift is from above, coming down from the Father of the heavenly lights, who does not change like the shifting shadows.

James 1:27
Religion that God our Father accepts as pure and faultless is this: to look after orphans and widows in their distress and to keep oneself from being polluted by the world.  

Friday, June 20, 2008

the calm before the storm


So what's going on?  Yeah, it's been a long month since my last update.  But with work, school and support raising, a period of rest became my priority.  Breaking away from the computer, I have pursued light gardening, leisure studying, super-hero movies and the loving ocean.   The body and brain is well rested and now it's time to get back in the habit!!!

90% of my first year's salary committed.  First of all, thank you.  Trusting in God, I will raise the additional 10% in the next month.  If you or anybody else wants to partner with me in my new position at Flood, please contact me.  As always, prayer is a necessity that can compliment and/or substitute monetary support.

By the way, somebody recently donated $4,000.  Simply awesome.  Furthermore, this person wants me to challenge somebody to match that.  Why not?  I challenge anybody and everybody!!!  With this questionable recession we are experiencing, there is still an excellent investment out there. 

And yes, that additional $4,000 would put me over the top and into year 2 support raising.  

Finally, if you have any questions about the monthly support through your online banking, call me --> (858) 610-5266

I moved!!!  
As of June, Pacific Beach is no longer my residence.  I took my Peter Gabriel CD's, college comforter and beat-up pickup truck to the lovely villa of Clairemont.  Why?  Because God provides!!!  Let me explain: Through 2.5 years of mentoring/ 'big brothering' at Nativity Prep Academy, awesome people have been placed in my life. Two of those excellent friends, Brian and Kathleen Hickey, just bought a lovely 5 bedroom home and want me to live with them for 6 months RENT-FREE!!!  This gracious contribution is their form of support.  Still in awe...  

My New Address:
3384 Mount Carol Dr.
San Diego, CA 92111

The Great News that Keeps Coming:
As of now, I am a FULL TIME student at Bethel!!!  Furthermore, August begins my new career at the Flood offices.  I would not be here without you all.  Your prayers and support made this possible.  Thank you and God* bless!   

*And when I say 'God' bless you all.  Please know it is the God revealed through Jesus Christ.  Can I get an AMEN!

The Reaction (which = Affirmation) that Makes it Easy:
With Jesus in my life, relationships with friends and family have flourished.  There is a freedom that comes with knowing God.  With the ministry career 'announcement', God has opened many doors with people to discuss His influence in my life.  Liberating.  That being said, if anybody wants to discuss the purpose-wanting feeling you got deep in your belly.  Let's chat.  I believe I know what it is.  

The Other Side:
Life is not always as positive as I write.  With some of my buddies, many conversations are argumentative which get me aggravated.  I am still (and will always be) learning.  I just want to be open to what they have to say.  When it comes to God, His Son and the Holy Spirit, I am ALL IN.  Yet, I still need to be receptive to those closest to me.  I need your prayer power.

That being said, I am heading to Delaware for a few weeks.  The goal is to glorifying God in my actions as well as my words.  Pray for that time at home and the conversations that come with it.  Jesus said that prophets are not accepted in their hometown, but his love always remained despite opposition.  

I love my east coasters like a miner loves gold.  Even more...

Additional Pray Requests:  
My sister Meg -  She is in the job hunt and needs stability (financially and emotionally).  She is in the Pursuit of God and we talk.  I love it and am proud to be her baby brother.  

My Stomach- Years of dairy, protein powder, beer and a lot of red meat has made my stomach feisty.  A few Dr.'s visits later and I need to start cutting these things out.  It's difficult and I need discipline.  

Mark's Aunt - My boy's aunt has cancer which has metastasized in the bones.  She is in a fatal state.  Still, pray that God intervenes and that He heals.  It will take faith.  Let's get there together and USE IT!!!   

If you need me, call or email.  I don't text on the phone anymore.  Sorry for the inconvenience  THANK YOU!!!


Hebrews 4:15
For we do not have a high priest who is unable to sympathize with our weakness, but we have one who has been tempted in every way, JUST AS WE ARE -yet without sin.

Yeah family!  We have a God that is obtainable through a man that relates.  In our suffering, He already knows our pain.  When I give that pain to him, he suffers with me.  Dare I say that is why some of the most precious moments in life comes from the darkest hours?  

Thursday, May 8, 2008

the 'down times'

What is it about life that makes us go into 24-hour 'nap-time' depressions?  One day I'm rocking it: getting it done with a smile. The next day the world is on my shoulders.  AND the following days, jammies are my uniform and crying is my calling card.  Yeah, one can pinpoint bumming on a life's apparent laundry list: workload, heartache, exhaustion, whatever.  Still, I don't have any control over the majority (or any) of these.
In school and work, I have been studying the Gospel of Mark.   Mark's portrayal of Jesus as the suffering servant reminds me that these down times are not unexpected.  In fact, we as Christians are called to suffer.  Why?   While this question requires extensive study (which I am pursuing) and years of experience (that I don't have), I believe we suffer so that we may realize our dependence on God.  

Last Sunday at FLOOD, we studied the account where Jesus Calms the Storm (Mark 4:35-41). As the implied readers, Christ's power to dominate the winds does not shock the 21st Century follower (SIDE NOTE: Do we take take that for granted?).  YET, his disciples (these rugged, sea faring men) are ready to wet the bed!  Where is their faith?  Don't they realize that they have the Son of God behind the helm?!?  But as I listened to last Sunday's sermon, my mind wondered to the Sea of Galilee.  There,  I felt the stinging salt slap my face, the rocking boat nauseate my belly and imminent death weaken my soul.   And I realize that I am one of the disciples on that boat!   

With the storms of my life, my faith can and does waver.  Instead of leaning on God, I question HIM, "Why does You allow this to happen?"   Then it strikes me like a hurricane!  Where is my trust?  Only then does this last question answer the preceding one.  God allows this to happen so that I may trust in Him.  It's that simple.  Trust.  That being said, there is no need to take this conversation any further...     

On a another (lighter) side note:  Surfer's, TAKE A LOOK AT VERSE 41!  "Even the winds and the waves obey him!"  It's obvious who owns the surf!  God!!!  Now I know what it really means to 'pray for waves.'   (OK, this last comment may not have complete application, but it's always worth the prayer.)

Check the Gospel Mark out sometime:  
It's short, sweet and HUMAN:  an amazing way to dive into scripture!

SUPPORT - this is what I call the UP TIMES!!!
You guys are awesome!  Support raising can be difficult, laborious and humbling.  But the reality is in its encouragement, inspiration and affirmation!  I am 53% towards raising my monetary goal and you guys are all a part of making it happen!  As God allows the other 47% to be raised, I look forward with modest yet sharpened eyes on what He and I can accomplish at Flood.  

Monthly Donors (or ALL DONORS for the matter):  If you want to set up an online means of donating (instead of mailing me or Flood a check), you can use your own on-line banking.  Just go to your bank website and 'ADD a PAYEE':
1.  Go to 'Pay an Individual'
2. Under Payee Details:
A.  Payee = Flood
B.  Nickname = Andy Kelly Support (or 'A Kelly Support')
C.  Address = 3878 Ruffin Rd., Suite B
San Diego, CA 92123
D.  Phone = (858) 268-2330
E.  Account Number = N/A (check off that you do NOT have an account number) 
 F.  Name on Account = Your Name

3.  Under Payment Details
A.  Enter the account you want to support from
B.  Set up a manual or automatic payment
C.  Category = Donation or Miscellaneous
D.  Memo = Andy Kelly's Support

4.  Now you are set up to make a donation anytime or have it done automatically for you!  Wow, I sound like a commercial!!!   

Seriously, THANK YOU again for your hearts!  I promise that this is an excellent investment.

Praying because it is always worth it,


Mark 8:34
Then he called the crowd to him along with his disciples and said: If anyone would come after me, he must deny himself and take up his cross and follow me.

Saturday, April 19, 2008

Takin' the Stairs


It is a crisp Saturday morning.   Clouds canopy the skies and there is a nice salty breeze.  Shorts and a long sleeve T-shirt should cover it.  Loving life...

So it has been a month since my last blog.  I find in these busy times (they are always busy!!!): 
  • I do not get my workout in.   
  • I will not get into the Word/ scripture.   
  • I eat the unhealthiest fast-food ever!  
Then, these actions compound stress.  Maybe stress creates these actions.  Either way, it is a bummer.  

The other day I didn't get my run in.  So when I arrived at my office, I took the stairs.  It wasn't my 4 mile beach workout, but it was something.  Lunch also included some on-line Bible time. Rad.  And a banana substituted a bag of chips with my sandwich.  Alright!  Back on course!!!  

I am starting to realize that I can't do it all.  But in that realization, God has got it.  I have also realized that when I take time for Him, He multiplies my time.  There is a million ways to break down that last statement, but I am not going to.  I don't have the time, and I am OK with that.  HA!  

All that being said, I am striving to take the stairs when I am busy, get in at least a chapter of the Word in the morning and/ or get a peak at the ocean if I am not getting wet.  

I am going to TJ today with some great people.  So, I gotta go.  There wasn't enough time to get a surf in this morning, but I am going to leave 5 minutes early at least get a glance at God's perfect Pacific.

Oh yeah, I am supposed to write a little bit about the support raising:


1.  I am raising my salary for my first year.  As of now, I am 19% there.  The responses have been a total blessing.  Thank you all again for you affirmation.  I am praying for you.

2.  I am currently attending Seminary on my own: One class per quarter.  When I start the position at Flood, I will be a full time student, and Flood will be assisting my tuition.

By the way, Bethel Seminary is a graduate level, accredited school.  I am working on my masters.  Oh yeah, I love it.  

3.  Your support checks are made out to FLOOD.  Send them to me, and I take it to their office.  It is tax-deductible.  

I will research to see if you can donate online.   Thank you again!

4.  Flood is a real church.  It legally falls under the Baptist denomination, but is in many aspects it is an open-door-church that concentrates solely on the Word (Bible).  There is about 1,500 people that consistently attend.  And there is work to do. 

Check out the website:

I got to split now.  Thank you for your love.

In it together,


Psalm 42:1-2

As the heart panteth after the water brooks, so panteth my soul after thee, O God.  My soul thirst for God, for the living God: when shall I come and appear before God?  
This is the deep calling unto deep, and the longing heart will understand it. -- Tozer

It has been an amazing, blessed month.  Check out the sweet pic at the bottom of my home town!!!

Thursday, March 6, 2008

The 1st Day

What's happening family,  

I am 'online' and pumped to be here! I could write to you about getting out in the water or how much I love fried chicken. But...

I am here to write about God. To recap:
He is good, and I am pursuing Him.

I love Him. It's unreal. No, it's pretty real. And the journey has been epic!
It started with the church that my bro, Murph, brought me too: FLOOD  Check it out!  

As you walk in, you feel as though you belong even if you don't believe.  At first, I was attracted to the worship bands.  They ROCK!  Yeah.  And, I am a punk rocker: still blowing out my neck to Rancid, 311 and a little Hendrix. But now I DIG on worship too, baby!

Then, there was the messages: reading scripture and applying it to my life. Hearing them, I felt God drilling into my heart. I resisted. His love was stronger. There is nothing left to do but give Him all of my heart!  It is a good day to be alive.   

In my new home, God has also provided me with opportunities to serve.  I have been able to hammer some nails in Mex, discuss faith (and BBQ) in solid men's groups, and act (like a fool) in a children's monthly play.  

These people are making a difference and I am a part of it:

I would love to involved with this as my full time job!  Hmmm...

If you want some more footage of my pursuit, check out the following videos on their website. 

We: Encounter God Oct 14, 2007  
We: Grow Within Community Oct 14, 2007  
We: Impact the World Oct 14, 2007
(Start with 'encounter' then 'grow and then 'impact' )

Please note: This is only the beginning. I plan to keep 'bloggin' and keep you all updated as the journey continues! 

Eyes to the Sky!


Ephesians 4:14-15 (NIV)

Then we will no longer be infants, tossed back and forth by the waves, and blown here and there by every wind of teaching and by the cunning and craftiness of men in their deceitful scheming. Instead, speaking the truth in love, we will in all things grow up into him who is the Head, that is, Christ.