Thursday, May 8, 2008

the 'down times'

What is it about life that makes us go into 24-hour 'nap-time' depressions?  One day I'm rocking it: getting it done with a smile. The next day the world is on my shoulders.  AND the following days, jammies are my uniform and crying is my calling card.  Yeah, one can pinpoint bumming on a life's apparent laundry list: workload, heartache, exhaustion, whatever.  Still, I don't have any control over the majority (or any) of these.
In school and work, I have been studying the Gospel of Mark.   Mark's portrayal of Jesus as the suffering servant reminds me that these down times are not unexpected.  In fact, we as Christians are called to suffer.  Why?   While this question requires extensive study (which I am pursuing) and years of experience (that I don't have), I believe we suffer so that we may realize our dependence on God.  

Last Sunday at FLOOD, we studied the account where Jesus Calms the Storm (Mark 4:35-41). As the implied readers, Christ's power to dominate the winds does not shock the 21st Century follower (SIDE NOTE: Do we take take that for granted?).  YET, his disciples (these rugged, sea faring men) are ready to wet the bed!  Where is their faith?  Don't they realize that they have the Son of God behind the helm?!?  But as I listened to last Sunday's sermon, my mind wondered to the Sea of Galilee.  There,  I felt the stinging salt slap my face, the rocking boat nauseate my belly and imminent death weaken my soul.   And I realize that I am one of the disciples on that boat!   

With the storms of my life, my faith can and does waver.  Instead of leaning on God, I question HIM, "Why does You allow this to happen?"   Then it strikes me like a hurricane!  Where is my trust?  Only then does this last question answer the preceding one.  God allows this to happen so that I may trust in Him.  It's that simple.  Trust.  That being said, there is no need to take this conversation any further...     

On a another (lighter) side note:  Surfer's, TAKE A LOOK AT VERSE 41!  "Even the winds and the waves obey him!"  It's obvious who owns the surf!  God!!!  Now I know what it really means to 'pray for waves.'   (OK, this last comment may not have complete application, but it's always worth the prayer.)

Check the Gospel Mark out sometime:  
It's short, sweet and HUMAN:  an amazing way to dive into scripture!

SUPPORT - this is what I call the UP TIMES!!!
You guys are awesome!  Support raising can be difficult, laborious and humbling.  But the reality is in its encouragement, inspiration and affirmation!  I am 53% towards raising my monetary goal and you guys are all a part of making it happen!  As God allows the other 47% to be raised, I look forward with modest yet sharpened eyes on what He and I can accomplish at Flood.  

Monthly Donors (or ALL DONORS for the matter):  If you want to set up an online means of donating (instead of mailing me or Flood a check), you can use your own on-line banking.  Just go to your bank website and 'ADD a PAYEE':
1.  Go to 'Pay an Individual'
2. Under Payee Details:
A.  Payee = Flood
B.  Nickname = Andy Kelly Support (or 'A Kelly Support')
C.  Address = 3878 Ruffin Rd., Suite B
San Diego, CA 92123
D.  Phone = (858) 268-2330
E.  Account Number = N/A (check off that you do NOT have an account number) 
 F.  Name on Account = Your Name

3.  Under Payment Details
A.  Enter the account you want to support from
B.  Set up a manual or automatic payment
C.  Category = Donation or Miscellaneous
D.  Memo = Andy Kelly's Support

4.  Now you are set up to make a donation anytime or have it done automatically for you!  Wow, I sound like a commercial!!!   

Seriously, THANK YOU again for your hearts!  I promise that this is an excellent investment.

Praying because it is always worth it,


Mark 8:34
Then he called the crowd to him along with his disciples and said: If anyone would come after me, he must deny himself and take up his cross and follow me.