The skies on the here are incomparable. Crayola could not fit these colors in their 256 pack. Additionally, I have had the luxury of witnessing 3 thunder-n-lighting storms --> the harsh wind bouncing off the trees, the smell of a scorched lawn finally getting a drink and the dark night becoming lighter than day for a quick breath. All of this affirms God's beauty in creation. I have a grateful heart.
Lately, I have been struggling over regaining those few momentous times in my life:
- A physique that would keep up with 18-year olds on the basketball court or battle against young lifeguard's in a wicked northeaster (that's an east coast storm).
- The company of friendships where sharing a beer, grilling an animal and doggin' each other would take us through the evening.
- And of course the familiar comfort and laughter of that previous relationship.
Yeah. Those times were good. But if I dwell on these things, I gain no peace with them. This dwelling seems takes me out of my present state. More importantly,it can rob me of my presence with God. How am I going to witness the colors of today's sky if I am thinking of yesterday's surf?
Don't get me wrong? We need to remember. Those times were put there by God to learn, grow and really enjoy. Realizing these as His gifts grants me the satisfaction of now witnessing an orange beam flush through a violet sky.
For those times and now, I have a grateful heart. Praise God.
I really didn't feel like writing anything else. I wrote this one for me.
James 1:17
Every good and perfect gift is from above, coming down from the Father of the heavenly lights, who does not change like the shifting shadows.
James 1:27
Religion that God our Father accepts as pure and faultless is this: to look after orphans and widows in their distress and to keep oneself from being polluted by the world.
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