So what's going on? Yeah, it's been a long month since my last update. But with work, school and support raising, a period of rest became my priority. Breaking away from the computer, I have pursued light gardening, leisure studying, super-hero movies and the loving ocean. The body and brain is well rested and now it's time to get back in the habit!!!
90% of my first year's salary committed. First of all, thank you. Trusting in God, I will raise the additional 10% in the next month. If you or anybody else wants to partner with me in my new position at Flood, please contact me. As always, prayer is a necessity that can compliment and/or substitute monetary support.
By the way, somebody recently donated $4,000. Simply awesome. Furthermore, this person wants me to challenge somebody to match that. Why not? I challenge anybody and everybody!!! With this questionable recession we are experiencing, there is still an excellent investment out there.
And yes, that additional $4,000 would put me over the top and into year 2 support raising.
Finally, if you have any questions about the monthly support through your online banking, call me --> (858) 610-5266
I moved!!!
As of June, Pacific Beach is no longer my residence. I took my Peter Gabriel CD's, college comforter and beat-up pickup truck to the lovely villa of Clairemont. Why? Because God provides!!! Let me explain: Through 2.5 years of mentoring/ 'big brothering' at Nativity Prep Academy, awesome people have been placed in my life. Two of those excellent friends, Brian and Kathleen Hickey, just bought a lovely 5 bedroom home and want me to live with them for 6 months RENT-FREE!!! This gracious contribution is their form of support. Still in awe...
My New Address:
3384 Mount Carol Dr.
San Diego, CA 92111
The Great News that Keeps Coming:
As of now, I am a FULL TIME student at Bethel!!! Furthermore, August begins my new career at the Flood offices. I would not be here without you all. Your prayers and support made this possible. Thank you and God* bless!
*And when I say 'God' bless you all. Please know it is the God revealed through Jesus Christ. Can I get an AMEN!
The Reaction (which = Affirmation) that Makes it Easy:
With Jesus in my life, relationships with friends and family have flourished. There is a freedom that comes with knowing God. With the ministry career 'announcement', God has opened many doors with people to discuss His influence in my life. Liberating. That being said, if anybody wants to discuss the purpose-wanting feeling you got deep in your belly. Let's chat. I believe I know what it is.
The Other Side:
Life is not always as positive as I write. With some of my buddies, many conversations are argumentative which get me aggravated. I am still (and will always be) learning. I just want to be open to what they have to say. When it comes to God, His Son and the Holy Spirit, I am ALL IN. Yet, I still need to be receptive to those closest to me. I need your prayer power.
That being said, I am heading to Delaware for a few weeks. The goal is to glorifying God in my actions as well as my words. Pray for that time at home and the conversations that come with it. Jesus said that prophets are not accepted in their hometown, but his love always remained despite opposition.
I love my east coasters like a miner loves gold. Even more...
Additional Pray Requests:
My sister Meg - She is in the job hunt and needs stability (financially and emotionally). She is in the Pursuit of God and we talk. I love it and am proud to be her baby brother.
My Stomach- Years of dairy, protein powder, beer and a lot of red meat has made my stomach feisty. A few Dr.'s visits later and I need to start cutting these things out. It's difficult and I need discipline.
Mark's Aunt - My boy's aunt has cancer which has metastasized in the bones. She is in a fatal state. Still, pray that God intervenes and that He heals. It will take faith. Let's get there together and USE IT!!!
If you need me, call or email. I don't text on the phone anymore. Sorry for the inconvenience THANK YOU!!!
Hebrews 4:15
For we do not have a high priest who is unable to sympathize with our weakness, but we have one who has been tempted in every way, JUST AS WE ARE -yet without sin.
Yeah family! We have a God that is obtainable through a man that relates. In our suffering, He already knows our pain. When I give that pain to him, he suffers with me. Dare I say that is why some of the most precious moments in life comes from the darkest hours?
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