To your right stands my fiance' and I on a beautiful Summer Saturday in Coronado beach. It was a special day: July 18th, 2009. July 19th would have been one year from the day that I got Courtney back after the time that I mistakenly let her go, does that make sense??? (Thank God for GRACE!).
I've known Courtney Copeland since October 5, 2007. We met at Mindi Hopper's birthday bonfire. I owe Mindi my life (and my wife! HA!). To make the long story less long: there have been intro's, laughs, tears, new family and continual prayer. As it is, she is the one.
I may be behind, but I am never too late. Therefore, I am going to explain how I asked my girlfriend to be my wife. Ultimately I am also asking for prayer as we engage each other in this new journey.
Now go grab your rockin' chair as I tell our story...
How it when down:
This spring Courtney graduated from her nurse practitioner program and had her national certification exam on July 17th, a perfect decoy. As I vaguely stated above, I wanted to be engaged within a year of us getting back together (...no reason for the year thing....just want to spend the rest of my life with her is all).
OK. Back to the Game plan: a week to prepare Courtney's heart for this proposal.
Under the disguise of our upcoming Africa trip, I had 'prepared' a devotional for Monday through Thursday of that week (July 13th - 16th). Each morning, I took my goose to a strategic location from our past to pray and discuss the following:
- Monday July 13th, Cardiff Beach (valentine's date Spot) - we talked about our identity in Christ and our individual values as potential parents.
- Tuesday July 14th, Bird Rock (where I got her back, a little under a year ago) - we talked about our combined strengths as a couple.
- Wednesday July 15th, Flood Offices FSN (where I approached her again a year ago) - we discussed our calling as a couple.
- Thursday July 16th, Torrey Pines (our second date) - Our mutual best friend, Mark Lagace (who happened to be running by), prays over us and our relationship.
- Oh yeah. Friday night July 17th, a celebratory dinner with my future sister and brother, Carrie and Greg Gunn (yes, the genius passed her boards).
If you are tracking with me, we are up to Saturday (the big day baby!!!).
Unknown to my future bride, I had both of my parents and her parents in town to celebrate this momentous occasion. The scene of the crime: our first date - Coronado Beach. I secretly lured Courtney to this sacred location through our girlfriends: Linsey Wildey and Mindi Hopper. Supposedly, I am up surfing north county that morning.
And there she was. Courtney stood on the first beach we walked together (under the impression that she was checking out a potential-family-photo-shoot-location for Linsey's fabulous foursome). I walked up to her donning a new collared shirt with some smutz in my hair. I told her, "I love you. Let's go for a walk." On our walk down the beach, we stopped and prayed several times before I eventually led her to a special spot containing the following items: a blanket, a letter, my Bible, and champagne.
The Letter: There were 3 specific messages I conveyed in this last "goin'-steady" love note: 1) the symbolism behind her nickname: Goose, 2) she is my best friend, and 3) a prayer for our future. First things first: a goose is a creature who will never forget its mate, no matter if he/she dies. A goose is a loyalty. Courtney is my Goose, my best friend, and will be my wife. Reading the prayer at the end of the letter was our initiation: I got down on my knee as we prayed amen. Looking into those deep, green eyes, it was time to reveal the box in my back pocket. Pulling out the ring, "Courtney, will you marry me?" Her reply....(suspense)... "YES!" (followed by a timeless hug).
She was given 45 minutes to decompress...just her and me. I revealed the significance behind the events of the previous week. Together, we read 1 John 4 (<-- Click here to celebrate with us). We spent the next few hours having lunch with the surprise guests (our parents and her siblings). That night Courtney enjoyed our surprise engagement party where we celebrated with many of our loving friends.
And the rest... as they say... is actually happening right now. I love her.
Thank you God for this gift.
There is a tale of Africa to be told. Stay tuned...
~Andy Kelly
"Although we can, may and/or will fall in love, love is not a pool you fall into. Rather, it is a choice. Make that right choice and go swimming." (OK. I made that up, but it works.)
PS - I officially Preached on a SUNDAY!!!
If you want the prequel to my story with Courtney, check out my preaching debut from July 5th. It is my own testimony (story) intermingled with the Parable of the Prodigal Son: CLICK HERE!!!
I'm proud of you brother!! Thats a great story and an even better reality for you my friend. I'm very happy with the way you are living your life and happy to know you. I wish you all the best and happiness with your soon to be wifey!!
I love the journey you're on, Andy! Many of us who love you know that God chased you until He got this powerful man to be one of His messengers. I have just finished listening to your message(sermon) on "The Prodigal Son" and also reading your story about God's wonderful gift to you - Courtney. Both are inspired and inspiring. Blessings always, Dear One.
P. S.
I need a new surface mail address since our Christmas card was returned.
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