Dude, it is late. I can't sleep at all. Ah well.
By the way, I came across this article written by Chuck Colson. It's sweet.
The choice we make as to the universe’s origin is the most important choice in life, everything else stems from it, it’s where truth begins. Few people have thought through the choices. But, most are influenced by their cultural prejudices as I found out a few weeks back at a charity dinner.
At a dinner I sat down next to a man who said, “Just so you know I’m an atheist.”
I said, “I’m happy to sit next to you because I’ve never met an atheist.”
He said, “what do you mean?”
I said, “An atheist is someone who has claimed that the existence of God can be disproved, so please, tell me, how have you disproved God.”
He said, “Well, I’m an agnostic.”
“When did you give up studying God? An agnostic is someone who thinks that God can never really be known, and you can only be an agnostic if you’ve tried to know him and exhausted the search. So though you appear to be a very educated person, you’ve made an unsupportable statement.”
A few weeks later I was reading the editorial page of the state’s largest newspaper, and it was written by my the man I had conversed with at dinner—he was the publisher. He wrote about our dinner conversation and said, “Religion is indeed an important element of all or our lives and something we need to pursue. My own previous point of view proved to be unsupportable.”
This article illustrates the logical (and non-combative) nature of Christianity. Furthermore, it presents the reality that atheism and agnosticism are both forms of religions. After the research I have done, I don't have the faith it requires to be an atheist or agnostic. There is too much truth in Jesus Christ.
Today, I didn't take my vitamins. Courtney has got me taking Juice Plus (this is one of the infinite perks of doing life with her). Aaaahhhh..... Where was I? Juice Plus! Man, I now know that this stuff works because without it... I feel like poo. Them magic pills give me the energy to accept God's work! Free Radicals can't get ME down! (I don't even know what a free 'radical' is, but the stuff keeps me moving and grooving!)
Please Note: If you bother her or email something weird, I will break your ankles.
The Gym
I have been doing Cross-Fit Flood under Steve Tankersley (he supports my internship in so many ways). Thank you, bro! These crazy workouts are making me 20 years old again. It's time to be able to dunk a basketball.
If anyone ever wants to check out the Cross Fit, the gym is open on the third Saturday of the month @ 8 AM. Check it out!
There you have it. A healthy diet of fruit & veggie supplements, navy seal regiments and Jesus Christ as God's descent. Life is good. This is living (2 Cor. 5:17).
Eyes to the SKY!
Andy Kelly
The proper motto is not "Be good, sweet maid, and let who can be clever," but "Be good sweet maid, and don't forget that this involves being as clever as you can." God is no fonder of intellectual slackers than any other slackers. ~ C.S. Lewis
Thanks for this encouraging word my friend! Trying to find a gym in Del Mar. Come visit soon.
Hey Andy,
I found the article entitled "faith" to be thought provoking, and I want to be careful that my response is not taken as an attack on your beliefs but rather a defense of my own lack of belief.
In the article it's explained that “An atheist is someone who has claimed that the existence of God can be disproved, so please, tell me, how have you disproved God.”
This statement can also be said of a Christian. For example, a Christian is someone who has claimed that the existence of God can be proven, so please, tell me, how have you proven God exists.
It would have been more correct to say that an atheist is someone who BELIEVES that God does not exist. Atheists require just as much faith as Christians, but have opposing beliefs. And I hope we can both agree that establishing a belief requires no justification. You can call yourself a Christian by simply stating "I believe in God." I don't need you to prove it to me.
You responded afterward that you thought this article illustrated the non-combative nature of Christianity. I can't help but feel that the conclusion of the article was that there are no true Atheists, and that if you are atheist you should re-examine your beliefs. I don't see how that cannot be interpreted as combative.
There is no truly non-combative position when it comes to beliefs about God, except for those agnostics who hold no belief at all. Which is why agnostics cannot be considered within the realm of religion. If you look at any definition of the word "religion" in a dictionary you'll notice the common requirement of belief.
I feel Christianity, like any religion, has divided this world into camps of opposing beliefs. And each seems very concerned about affirming there beliefs at the expense of others. Were so caught up in the details that we forget how much we all have in common.
There is some food for thought for sure. "Religion" comes from the latin root "ligio", which just means to be connected. And we all connect to something. I would take your point even further a say that everyone has a belief system... even agnostics.
Thanks for the response bro!
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