It has been amazing year on staff at Flood Church! Exclamation point!!! You all have been crucial in it.
God's plan 'A' has always been people. Through your support and our efforts, we have become the "people" who are giving the seekers (and growers) in San Diego a safe, invitational home(s) to know personally who God is. The weekly community groups that I oversee have multiplied, adding 3 in 2010 ... with an additional group launching in January 2011!!! (This will total 10 PC/C groups throughout San Diego county). Every time I am given the opportunity to preach on a Sunday or teach my leaders, I gain key insight into contextualizing and communicating the Gospel in culturally sensitive ways. Most importantly, God has fostered some amazing relationships where seekers, co-leaders, mentors and I are realizing our true identity in Jesus Christ. For instance, to say that we are all sinners is only half the truth. The total truth is that we are all deeply loved sinners. Knowing that we are 'deeply loved' makes the life-changing difference. And I get to be a part of these life changes, baby! Amazing.
The following are some responses I have heard this year from our peeps in the church body*:

-"Your sermon on pornography... It hit home and talked to my heart."
-"I just wanted to thank you for today's message. It was the most personal and practical message about evangelism I have ever heard..."
-"Your message was like an onion because it contained beautiful layers and as you continued to pull the pieces away you uncovered truth, authenticity and at the very core - Christ."
-"Your message touched home for me in a lot of ways- I am working through the challenge of a family of non believers and was encouraged by God's word today."
-"It is clear that you are doing what God has called you to do."
Here is some feedback that I have received from leaders I oversee at Flood*:
-"Andy has the skill to capture your attention, no matter what age or stage of life you are in.... I believe that Andy gets discernment from the Spirit... relying on God's strength and power."
-"His sheer interest and enthusiasm in teaching topics, as well as quick and pointed responses to questions, hold my attention."
-"Andy has the ability to reach and relate to a wide range of people because of his humility coupled with his intellectual capacity."
-It’s very evident that faith in Christ has transformed him deeply, and he genuinely longs for others to experience that love and grace."
And I received one of the best messages from one of my best friends the other day. He simply stated, "Bro, watching you the other day, I totally understand why you do what you do!" My boy is not chasing after Christ just yet. He is what I like to consider a 'Pre-Christian.'
*Please note that this is incredibly humbling to share. The good Lord knows that I am a work-in-process.
As the year closes, I thought I'd remind you all how you can continue to support my graduate internship at Flood Church.
How to Support?
Your support has enabled me to experience significant growth in ministry: continuing to facilitate, support, and direct the Post College and Career (PC/C) community groups, preaching, and offering 'enrichments' (or training) for leaders. Moreover, serving in Flood's "New to Faith" ministry has been an additional life-giving step, as evangelism is a great passion of mine.
I was also recently licensed by Flood as a pastor on October 17th ... another exciting milestone to celebrate! Stay 'linked in' (via this blog) to journey with me. I appreciate your words of encouragement, affirmations, questions, and, above all, your prayer!!!
... it is honor to continue praying for you.
Send a check payable to Flood Church.
Please write in the memo line: Andy Kelly Support.
Checks can be mailed to:
Flood Church
3878 Ruffin Rd., Suite B
San Diego, CA 92123.
Flood's Website - You can give online through the Shelby site that Flood uses for all online giving:
-Set up a Flood account on Shelby Webview
-Donate to my internship by choosing:
Grad Intern #2.
Through your Bank - You can donate online from your bank by clicking to Pay an Individual (or equivalent).
Under Payee Details
Payee = FLOOD, Nickname = Andy Kelly Support
Address = 3878 Ruffin Rd., Ste. B., San Diego, CA 92123
Phone = (858) 268-2330
Account Number = N/A (check off no account number).
Name on Account = Your Name
Under Payment Details:
Enter the account you want to support from.
Set up a manual or automatic payment
Category = Donation or Miscellaneous
Memo = Andy Kelly's Support
Words cannot express what your support has cultivated in my life and the lives of others. Through your affirmation, I have found a place where my passion for Jesus Christ is completely unleashed. Your support has enabled me to live out my Calling. I am forever in your debt for blessing me with this chance to partake in the Gospel of Jesus Christ.
In it together,
Andy Kelly
Each of you should give what you have decided in your heart to give, not reluctantly or under compulsion, for God loves a cheerful giver ~2 Corinthians 9:7