As the Year Closes... It is an awesome opportunity to support your local Flood Grad-intern!!! If you donate before 2010, it is a tax-deduction for your upcoming tax return!
Because of your continued support, we are making a kingdom impact in S.D. (and Malawi) as we:

- Reinforce 7 awesome Community Groups that apply our Sunday messages throughout the week.
- Create and strengthen new groups (This year, we celebrate the birth of the Carmel Valley, Clairemont, Surf & Mt. Helix Groups!)
- Embark on Tijuana HouseBuilding Trips.
- Quarterback school/city-wide Shine Day cleanup event for the community of Linda Vista.
- Host a thanksgiving event for our youth AND folks literally off the street.
- Run some rad camps and clinics in Malawi, Africa!
- Preach the name of Jesus Christ
- Say "It's a good day to be alive!"
And the list continues...
How to Support:
1. You can make a check payable to Flood Church.
Please write in the memo line: Andy Kelly Support.
Checks should be sent to:
3878 Ruffin Rd., Suite B
San Diego, CA 92123.
2a. You can give online through the Shelby site that Flood uses for all online giving:
-Set up a Flood account on Shelby Webview
-Donate to my internship by choosing:
Grad Intern #2.
2b. You can donate online from your bank by clicking to Pay an Individual (or equivalent).
Under Payee Details
Payee = FLOOD, Nickname = Andy Kelly Support
Address = 3878 Ruffin Rd., Ste. B., San Diego, CA 92123
Phone = (858) 268-2330
Account Number = N/A (check off no account number).
Name on Account = Your Name
Under Payment Details:
Enter the account you want to support from.
Set up a manual or automatic payment
Category = Donation or Miscellaneous
Memo = Andy Kelly's Support
This is an awesome opportunity to partner with God in the work he has set before us (Phil. 2:12-13). Thank you for your consideration!!!
I love you and Merry Christmas!!!
“He is no fool who gives what he cannot keep to gain what he cannot lose.” ~ Jim Elliot.
PS - The pic above is my boy Quinn Hearn painting on Shine Day. He is one of the kids that I live with, a good, crazy little dude. Also, there is a pic of our Post-College TJ trip! Solid crew!!! Check out this below pic from our Flood Halloween Party. The little lady is a tough bird when she gets her spinach, but she treats me right! (She also just threw me an awesome 30th birthday bash!!!) That's my Popeye, baby!!!

Prov. 16:31 Gray hair is a crown of splendor; it is attained by a righteous life.