I am 'online' and pumped to be here! I could write to you about getting out in the water or how much I love fried chicken. But...
I am here to write about God. To recap:
He is good, and I am pursuing Him.
I love Him. It's unreal. No, it's pretty real. And the journey has been epic!
It started with the church that my bro, Murph, brought me too: FLOOD http://www.diveintoflood.com. Check it out!
As you walk in, you feel as though you belong even if you don't believe. At first, I was attracted to the worship bands. They ROCK! Yeah. And, I am a punk rocker: still blowing out my neck to Rancid, 311 and a little Hendrix. But now I DIG on worship too, baby!
Then, there was the messages: reading scripture and applying it to my life. Hearing them, I felt God drilling into my heart. I resisted. His love was stronger. There is nothing left to do but give Him all of my heart! It is a good day to be alive.
In my new home, God has also provided me with opportunities to serve. I have been able to hammer some nails in Mex, discuss faith (and BBQ) in solid men's groups, and act (like a fool) in a children's monthly play.
These people are making a difference and I am a part of it:
I would love to involved with this as my full time job! Hmmm...
If you want some more footage of my pursuit, check out the following videos on their website. http://www.diveintoflood.com/videos/
We: Encounter God Oct 14, 2007
We: Grow Within Community Oct 14, 2007
We: Impact the World Oct 14, 2007
(Start with 'encounter' then 'grow and then 'impact' )
Please note: This is only the beginning. I plan to keep 'bloggin' and keep you all updated as the journey continues!
Eyes to the Sky!
Ephesians 4:14-15 (NIV)
Then we will no longer be infants, tossed back and forth by the waves, and blown here and there by every wind of teaching and by the cunning and craftiness of men in their deceitful scheming. Instead, speaking the truth in love, we will in all things grow up into him who is the Head, that is, Christ.